
Basic example

Let’s make a simple command that waits for button clicks and deletes the button on timeout.

In this example we’re using the following objects and methods:

from discord.ext import commands
from dislash import InteractionClient, ActionRow, Button, ButtonStyle

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
inter_client = InteractionClient(bot)

async def test(ctx):
    row = ActionRow(
            label="Click me!",
    msg = await ctx.send("I have a button!", components=[row])

    # Here timeout=60 means that the listener will
    # finish working after 60 seconds of inactivity
    on_click = msg.create_click_listener(timeout=60)

    async def on_test_button(inter):
        await inter.reply("You've clicked the button!")

    async def on_timeout():
        await msg.edit(components=[])



All decorated functions, except for the timeout function, must take only one argument, which is guaranteed to be an instance of MessageInteraction.

Adding layers

Let’s say we don’t want any other person except for the command author to click the buttons. It’s time to work with ClickListener.not_from_user decorator.

from discord.ext import commands
from dislash import InteractionClient, ActionRow, Button, ButtonStyle

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
inter_client = InteractionClient(bot)

async def test(ctx):
    row = ActionRow(
            label="Click me!",
    msg = await ctx.send("I have a button!", components=[row])

    # Here timeout=60 means that the listener will
    # finish working after 60 seconds of inactivity
    on_click = msg.create_click_listener(timeout=60)

    @on_click.not_from_user(ctx.author, cancel_others=True, reset_timeout=False)
    async def on_wrong_user(inter):
        # This function is called in case a button was clicked not by the author
        # cancel_others=True prevents all on_click-functions under this function from working
        # regardless of their checks
        # reset_timeout=False makes the timer keep going after this function is called
        await inter.reply("You're not the author", ephemeral=True)

    async def on_test_button(inter):
        # This function only works if the author presses the button
        # Becase otherwise the previous decorator cancels this one
        await inter.reply("You've clicked the button!")

    async def on_timeout():
        await msg.edit(components=[])



The check must take only one argument, which is guaranteed to be an instance of MessageInteraction. It also must return a boolean value.

The bot is now respoding to all strangers with a hidden message and prevents them from clicking the buttons. Note that we specified cancel_others=True. This means that the click manager won’t toggle other @on_click... listeners if the author-check was activated.

What’s more, the click manager doesn’t reset the timeout if a stranger clicks the button. In other words, even if the command author is no longer pressing the buttons, other users won’t prevent the click listener from exceeding the timeout. We achieved this by setting the reset_timeout paramter to False.